Dear Garden Lover,
If you’re interested in “making a garden from plants” then you’ve come to the right place.
I drive professional content on Garden Lovers Blog from a Designers point of view for residential garden space. So you can expect image heavy text- lite posts, mostly around new and interesting plants from my Designer Growers Network Growers, with suggestions on how to use them in your garden.
Expect plant pics you’ve sent me from gardens I’ve made for many of you too, showing realistic growing conditions so there’s no room for “garden shame” here at GLB. Planting over rock, in root ridden gloom beneath next door’s tree or out in scorching western summer heat, these are typical for many Garden Lovers in their home gardens. How to select planting to follow function is also emphasised ie. from climbers on Grow Cables to conceal fences, to self striking “no-mow” lawn alternatives or “hero” plants for impact, its all just the tip of the spade here among your new friends at Garden Lovers.
I have to face many of the same growing conditions here at the “Sea-Changer”, the 6th of my home work gardens at Forresters Beach on the Central Coast. By way of progress posts on how this new garden changes, there will be both planting and plant associated ideas that could be modified to suit your own garden.
So really, Garden Lovers is set to contribute to the circulation of valuable gardening ideas useful to you, with posts that are quick and easy to view while you’re emptying the IN box.
See you on the next post for sure !!
Kind regards,
Paradisus Garden Design
Dear Mr Nixon,
After seeing the photo of your inner city garden on Garden Drum and corresponding with Catherine Stewart I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind a query: after stumbling across a Thunbergia mysorensis in Bali I’m curious to see if it could be encouraged to grow in Redfern and if so, where to find a plant.
Phil R.
ps also thanks for all the info on the Paradisus website.
Hello Phil,
yes thunbergia mysorensis grows very well around inner city Sydney and you would be best advised to try an order with http://www.newtowngardenmarket.com.au 9516 4044 as they place regular deliveries from the one grower I know who has any at this time. Takes a 5 linear meter Grow Cable or pergola space in sun to semi shade and you will be rewarded with November to may golden flower chains with bronze contrasting markings. Leme know how you go !!